Name: Ellen
Age: 19
Characters: Hagrid, George, Angelina, Britton, Gabriel, Hal, Isabella, Eriadne, Perdita
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AIM: WeasleyLover
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Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Mint Chocolate Chip (although anything with chocolate really applies)
Favourite HP Book: Goblet of Fire
Favourite HP Character: Fred and George Weasley (So, yes, it's actually two.)
Misc: Besides holding the office of List Princess, Ellen is also the 1st High Priestess of Oliver Wood/Sean Biggerstaff, the Scottish-Quidditch-Playing-Wizarding God; Keeper of Sean Biggerstaff's Light Catching Eyes, co-Keeper of his Wrestling With the Bludger, may it be duly worshiped, as well as a member of the Legolas/Orlando Bloom Appreciation Society. She is also an English/Theatre major, which probably explains a lot.