59 Campbell Court #304 Stratford Ontario N5A 7P9 (519)342-6432 debbo@debbo.org |
Education |
2000 - 2005 |
University of Toronto
- hBA - Specialist in Celtic Studies
- graduated June 2005.
- cumulative GPA of 2.96.
1995 - 2000 |
Lockerby Composite School
- “Viking Scholar” (honour roll 70%+) for every year in attendance.
- recipient of the Music Award and Hezelmere Fund at graduation.
- Pascal medal (1994) and certificate (1995), and Descartes certificate (1996) winner.
- member of the band, Yearbook, and Reach for the Top team.
- completed certification in STEP (Science and Technology Education Program).
Work Experience |
2005 - 2006 |
- Customer & Technical Support
- provide technical and customer assistance for Web hosting company.
- responsible for providing prompt, polite, clear answers to client questions.
- includes monitoring of Live Support application and guiding customers through solutions.
- self-directed: must manage time wisely and come up with own solutions.
Online Experience |
1999 - current |
Web Design
- almost six years of web design experience.
- some experience with JavaScript and familiarity with use of MySQL DBs.
- knowledgeable in HTML and CSS design.
- familiarity with a number of hosts, both paid and free.
- experience with FTP, SFTP, and telnet/SSH.
- designs done in raw HTML, and/or HTML editors; some experience with FrontPage.
- versed in both Windows and OS X working environments; limited Unix and xWindow (X11) familiarity.
- knowledge of all leading browsers: IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Mozilla, Camino
2000 - current |
- interactive online roleplaying experience.
- staffing experience since 2001, including assisting players, reviewing applications, problem-solving, game promotion, etc.
- in 2004 created own game from scratch and has been head of it since.
- experience with “soft-code”.
- maintenance involves a working familiarity with remote telnet.
Volunteer Experience |
1996 - 1998 |
Camp Manitou
- three consecutive summers spent as a camp counselor for girls ages 8-11.
- responsible for around-the-clock supervision of cabin (six girls) with a co-counselor, as well as overseeing daily activity groups.
- helped instruct canoeing, archery, sports, games, arts and crafts.
1989 - 2000 |
Girl Guides of Canada
- eleven consecutive years with the Girl Guides of Canada, completing Brownie, Girl Guide, Pathfinder, and Ranger programs.
- recipient of the Canada Cord.
- experience in tenting; camp activities; organizing and running a weekend-long camp; campfire activities, songs and safety; first aid and wilderness survival.
- three years volunteering as a helper with a Pathfinder unit (girls aged 12-15) while concurrently completing the Ranger program.
Miscellaneous |
- French taken throughout high school to a passable level of communication.
- Irish, Scots Gaelic, and Old Irish taken at the university level for 1-3 years each.
- fully certified in CPR and First Aid from St. John's Ambulance.
- camp counselor, baby-sitting, and nanny positions welcome.