Two-hundred and eighty-nine years ago, as twilight was setting in, and the first stars just beginning to again grow visible in the sky, Uialuin Nimgilwen was brought into the world. Eldest child of Dingalen and Tirtaurnen of Doriath, Uialuin was a quiet, thoughtful child. Her mother, Tirtaurnen, was originally in the Royal Guard, while her father was a follower of diplomacy, taking a role of Counselor.She had not long to enjoy her parents to herself, for she was soon followed by a brother, upon whom her parents bestowed the name Mirthalion. He was a willful child, well-mannered but stubborn in his own way. Where Uialuin was quiet and reserved, and retreated frequently into her own thoughts, Mirthalion was outgoing and charming, quick to wit and always drawing attention without even intending to. Despite their notable differences, the siblings were close; Uialuin was a tempering force for Mirthalion, while her brother kept her from disengaging from life too fully.
As Uialuin and her brother neared maturity, Loslothtaur and Luinlin, Tirtaurnen's mother and father, came to Doriath from Falas to dwell with the family, and to seek the shelter of Doriath from the increasing hostility of the world beyond. Luinlin took up with the military, as he had done in Falas, and fought bravely and valiantly for many years, until one day, he was struck by a wayward arrow and killed in the line of duty. Tirtaurnen took the death of her father extremely hard, and soon gave up her post with the guard to study the art of healing.
Loslothtaur, not wanting to leave Doriath without seeing the last of her grandchildren; for well she knew that a third would be joining the eldest two, though not for several years, did linger then in Doriath. Her nature was much like Uialuin's, and the two grew close quickly. It was from Loslothtaur that Uialuin first learned her true love of the science of the stars, and to this day, Loslothtaur is ever in her thoughts when she gazes upon the night sky, wondering if her grandmother is studying them too.
Not long after Loslothtaur's arrival, though by this time both Uialuin and Mirthalion had come into adulthood, Mirthalion, having his grandfather's spirit, did decide to join the guard. Uialuin, having seen the effects of battle, not only in Luinlin's fate, but through her mother's professions, feared greatly for her brother, but did give him her leave to do as he would. Still, her anxiousness drove her to distance herself from Mirthalion somewhat, and the pair, who had been near-inseparable in childhood, were now left to go their own paths. They remained still friends, but each now turned to others in times of greatest need.
And so it continued for many years. Mirthalion worked hard and steadily through the ranks of the military, while Uialuin spent quiet nights, studying the night sky, at first only with Loslothtaur, but then more and more often on her own.
Loslothtaur was lonely for her husband, and now longed to see him again. She felt bound to remain, as promised, until her third grandchild should arrive into the world. And so, it was to her great relief, that a baby girl did finally make her appearance. To the youngest child, the name Annongaer was given, chosen by Loslothtaur; it was not long at all afterwards, until Loslothtaur moved back to Falas, wanting to be as near to her husband as Arda might let her.