Although she's a very solitary person, as one would need to be to spend most of the hours in the day at the top of the tallest tower of the castle. she still longs for companionship, and looks for it in those who also are willing to sidestep the norm and face the consequences, rather than just fall into line for an easy ride.
Going back and forth from the Muggle world to the wizarding one has left the woman a bit befuddled as to the whole thing. She cut off pretty much all contact with the Muggles after her grandfather's death, but she is willing to discuss her life in that world. Although she's not the sort to easily open up, when questioned or nudged into it, she can easily discuss most anything with an air of clinical detachment, almost as if it were happening to someone else. When faced with tragedy, Scolace pushes away and refuses to acknowledge it, preferring instead to throw herself into her work.
Her students quickly find that she is not one to cling to opinions of anyone. Those who work hard earn high marks. Those who slack off and don't try do not. She does her best to judge each new assignment and day without taking the past ones into consideration. Even the most dismal student can earn at least one A on an assignment if he's willing to put in the work for it, she hopes.
Her private life, for the most part, is kept private. Even those few who manage to get close to her may find that they do not know everything there is to know. It isn't from a desire to keep secrets that Sinistra acts so mysteriously; she just isn't good with communicating her emotions and thus doesn't even try, most times.